The Epstein Chronicles podcast

A Look Back: Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein And The Hotel Suite

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos
Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton were a lot closer than most people know or understand. From all kinds of financial "donations" to Clinton, to visits to various properties to being invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding, you'd have to be blind or playing serious partisan politics to not see how deep the ties run between the Clinton's and Epstein and Maxwell. Yet, there has not been no serious investigation (that we are aware of) into the relationship Epstein and Clinton shared and nobody has even bothered to call out his spokesperson for the canned statement he continues to offer. Hopefully, after these new revelations, the legacy media will re-evaluate their position and dive into the deep end instead of just checking the water temperature with their finely manicured toes.

(commercial at 26:49)

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