The Curious Clinicians podcast

96 - Dr. Mike Todorovic and the Wonders of the Na+/K+ATPase Pump

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

Dr. Mike Todorovic, medical educator and science communicator extraordinaire, joins The Curious Clinicians to discuss the Na+/K+ ATPase pump ("the most important enzyme in the human body") and his approach to digital medical education.

Watch this episode on our new YouTube channel here, and read the show notes here!

Click here to obtain AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ (0.5 hours), Non-Physician Attendance (0.5 hours), or ABIM MOC Part 2 (0.5 hours).

Dr. Matt & Dr. Mike's podcast:

Dr. Matt & Dr. Mike's YouTube channel:

Otros episodios de "The Curious Clinicians"