Simple Online Business podcast

Confidence & Sharing Your Wins With Sara Aloimonos

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

A couple months ago, I hosted a challenge for clients to sign 5 new clients in 6 weeks. My client Sara Aloimonos shared with us towards the end of the challenge that she had signed ELEVEN new clients - and also that she had felt hesitant to share her wins and was worried that other people would feel bad if they saw her success.

On today’s episode of the Simple Online Business Podcast I invited her on to talk about the importance of celebration & sharing your wins… and of course also get all the juicy details about how she signed so many clients so quickly.

You’re going to get a lot from this episode. Don’t miss it!


  • The importance of celebrating achievements, maintaining a positive mindset, and avoiding comparisons in the online business space
  • How shifting your mindset can lead to unexpected success when it comes to business growth and client acquisition
  • How to have effective communication with clients
  • Why it’s important to be visible and consistent in marketing efforts

About Sara

Hello, I'm Sara - A qualified Functional Nutritionist, Holistic Nutritionist, Life & Exit Strategy Coach, and lastly, Personal Trainer. I am also a columnist, writing for my local and territorial newspaper.

My business, Nourish North, has been operational for 8 years in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories serving the communities and all over the world.

After achieving an honorary role in my nutrition diploma program, I sought out other ways to help my clients who were stuck in the stress of their lives. A life coaching certification was the answer and this has proven to get clients from A to B faster and with better results. Luckily, fitness has always been in my life and I believe doing things you're passionate about builds a stronger business. Becoming certified as a personal trainer was a no-brainer.

Since starting my business in 2016, I've helped many many women heal their hormones using root cause medicine. My love lies in supporting 40+ women, going through the menopausal years with my all inclusive packaging - nutrition, fitness, and mindset coaching.

What I love most about what I do is inspiring people to feel energetic, positive, and as incredible as they can through nutrition and exercise. I love teaching them how to make this part of their lifestyle and knowing how powerful they are over their mindset which dictates how far they'll go. Not one of them misses the person they used to be.

Find me here:
Instagram @nouris

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