The Archaeology Podcast Network Feed podcast

The Wyrm That Stole Yule (part 1) - Trowel 33

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

In arguably their most important quest yet, Ash and Tilly have to prevent Ragnarok! Yggdrasil, the world tree, is missing, and the Asgard Yuletide Committee needs a replacement to decorate for their upcoming Yule celebrations. Luckily, they are joined by return guest Genoveva Dimova, archaeobotanist and fantasy author. Together, they discuss the symbolism of trees in fantasy fiction and mythology and attempt to answer the ultimate question: which is the greatest tree of all?

Books Mentioned

  • The Great Tree of Avalon (T.A Barron)
  • Wheel of Time series (Robert Jordan)
  • Lord of the Rings (J.R.R Tolkien)
  • The Shadow of the Gods (John Gwynne)
  • Briar’s Book (Tamora Pierce)
  • The Magic Faraway Tree (Enid Blyton)
  • The Witch’s Heart (Genevieve Gornichec)
  • Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea / A Pirates Life for Tea (Rebecca Thorne)




  • For rough transcripts of this episode, go to:



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