OurVoices with Kristin Kalbli podcast

S7 Ep 5: One Husband's Story of Divorcing a Late-Life Lesbian

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

When another husband called Wade out of the blue to tell him both their wives were spending time together on a vacation that very moment, Wade Ferris knew the writing was on the wall. With candor and vulnerability, Wade shares his story of learning that his wife of 23 years is a lesbian during the pandemic. A dedicated father and husband, Wade tried for decades to unlock the stalemate and repair the lack of intimacy in his marriage. By his own admission, the disconnect from his wife made him resentful and "not much fun to be around." He went on a mission to correct everything his wife complained was wrong with him, at last becoming what she called, "the perfect husband." But, as he soon found out, this was not enough to save their mixed orientation marriage. 

Wade is currently writing a book about the straight spouse experience. 


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