Sound and Vision podcast

Lauren Quin

Retroceder 15 segundos
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Lauren Quin draws from a pool of the unformed and the entropic to render shapes caught in a process of emergence or recession. Parts grow out of other parts. And like bacteria, material starts to infect and invade. Her mark-making implies a passage between dimensions that generate sensuality and movement. Quin holds an MFA from the Yale School of Art, and a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her work has been the subject of several solo exhibitions including her first US museum show, My Hellmouth, at the Nerman Museum of Art in 2023. Her work is held in numerous public collections including the Columbus Museum of Art, Dallas Museum of Art, High Museum of Art, ICA Miami, Museum of contemporary art, Los Angeles, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Nerman Museum of Art; Pérez Art Museum, Phoenix Art Museum, Walker Art Center, and the Hirschorn Museum. Lauren opens her first solo show in New York on May 3rd at 125 Newbury.

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