Made For Living Well podcast

#329: Your Perspective Changes Your Biology - Learn How!

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I was sitting in an old lecture hall, daydreaming about health. As my professor scribbled on the whiteboard different caloric equations, I couldn’t help but question if there was something more my education had failed to teach me. 

I couldn’t understand the idea that health, or at least weight, could be summed up into basic equations. There had to be more. I just couldn’t put a finger on what it was. 

As I sat through those lectures, my questions ran deeper, but my understanding was slim. I had come here to find the answers to why so many people all over the world, especially those I loved, still struggled with their health no matter how many times they attempted the ‘perfect equation.’

I can’t say I ever found it in my college education, but I am grateful for the path that led me to look deeper. The path led me to understand, not only for myself but for a world of people, that health is not about what you do. It’s about what you perceive about what you eat. 


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Listen To The Rest Of The Health School Episodes:


Don't forget to track where your energy level using:
This FREE energy quiz to determine your metabolic output.
This FREE download to track your body temperature and pulse rate.

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