Made For Living Well podcast

#241: Jesus Therapy: Stop Worrying - God Has More For You

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Today I want to tell you to stop worrying because I believe God has more for you.

I’m a worrier by nature. I was born into a worrying family. To me, worrying was an act of love. If you weren’t worried about me or my five-minute trip across town, did you even love me? I had married the two together, making worry a part of my story just as much as love was. But I had to learn that worry wasn’t my intended design, and it’s not yours. It’s not giving you life. It’s stealing it.

I wonder what would change if we surrendered our constant need to worry and control the future and laid it at his feet—allowing us the space to fully step into his perfect design for our life and live that out. To finally live.
If you’re like me, you’re thinking, this is all too good to be true. It’s a good thought, but practically speaking, it feels impossible. Your heart says yes, but logic says that’s a terrible idea.

I know the fight is real. So far, logic may be winning. But today, I want to get your logical mind on board, allowing you to let down what is keeping you stuck and to walk into the promises God created specifically and individually for you.

Inside this podcast, I present you with a new way to see your life, not as an author but as a character in the greatest story ever told. Allowing you to set down your need to create your own ending and live in the peace that God showed us the ending and it’s perfect—creating room for you to live right now. The place where life is happening. Where memories are made, and change is created.

Let this be your permission slip to stop worrying because you know God has more for you.


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