Save My Thyroid: Healing Tips for Hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's podcast

How To Lower Thyroid Antibodies Part 4: The Role of Environmental Toxicants

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Environmental toxins (natural) and toxicants (synthetic) are a huge problem in modern living. Every day, we’re bombarded by these external factors, and in most cases, our immune systems can mitigate the toxic burden.

For various reasons, many of us lose our chemical tolerance over time, and our bodies can no longer handle the toxin exposure. That’s when environmental toxins may trigger thyroid autoimmunity and lead to the formation of thyroid antibodies.

Today, in part four of my series on lowering and normalizing thyroid antibodies, I’m discussing the impact of environmental toxins and toxicants on thyroid antibodies and what you can do to reduce your toxic burden. I talk about the differences between toxins and toxicants, mechanisms of thyroid autoimmunity, practical detoxification strategies, the role of supplementation, the need for thyroid antibody testing, and more. Enjoy the episode!

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