Room to Grow Podcast with Emily Gough podcast

393. Why Being Is So Much More Attractive Than Doing

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When it comes to our personal growth and development, many people get caught in a trap of “doing” instead of “being.” Doing is when we learn the things, do the homework, and then force our actions based on doing exactly what we think we’re expected to…even if it feels inauthentic.  

But in order for the work to actually work, we have to embody it. We have to literally BE it. And to do that, we have to lean as hard as possible into our most authentic self.

Today we’re breaking down how to tell the difference between “doing” and “being” and the incredible rewards we attract - relationships, opportunities etc. - that come as a result of the innate magnetic nature of being the truest version of ourselves.

In this episode, we’re talking about:

  • The difference between doing and being
  • Why so many people struggle with doing instead of being
  • How to attract the right relationships and opportunities
  • How our energy affects our communication
  • Living life to the fullest
  • Accepting exactly where you are right now
  • Why authenticity is so attractive
  • An exercise to pinpoint where you feel most alive

If you want to work with me to get to your point of “being” opposed to “doing” I have private 1-1 coaching spaces available to focus on this very subject. I’ve worked with a number of women lately on unleashing their own authenticity and the breakthroughs have been life-changing. Email me [email protected] or DM me on Instagram here and I’d love to get started!


WOMEN’S GROUP (begins May 1, 2024): “Your Grown A$& Woman Era” apply here 

COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)

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Episode 339 | How To Become Wildly Magnetic

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