Reskillience podcast

Life, but Make It Herby with Caroline Parker

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The episode that nearly didn’t happen for reasons almost too embarrassing to share… but what else is the intro for? 🤷‍♀️

Today we’re hanging out with CAROLINE PARKER ~ The Cottage Herbalist ~ bigtime girl crush and quite possibly the love child of a 1950s rock star and wiccan goddess.

Caroline is an author, speaker, grower, educator, forager, herbalist and award-winning teasmith who is just TOO COOL.

We bask in her garden eating elderflower cookies talking about treat-os, herbal speed dating, what to cook when you CBF cooking, the cuppa that Caroline would serve to power hungry pollies and why she’s not a prepper.


Caroline’s witchy little home on the web

Caroline aka. The Cottage Herbalist on Instagram

Caroline’s book baby ~ The Medicinal Garden

Caroline’s upcoming workshops

[FILM] The Nettle Dress

***Support Reskillience on Patreon!***

  1. Make a garden tea
  2. Make herby sauce
  3. Make pesto!
  4. Make herbal infused oils
  5. Make a garden balm
  6. Get into the garden!
  7. Make time for thyme
  8. Yarrow, yarrow, yarrow
  9. Make people in power a cup of love
  10. Garden with others

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