A Reason for Hope podcast

14 Rules That Will Change Your Life For The Better

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

Mario Costabile sits down with Fr Timothy Gallagher, OMV to go through all 14 of St. Ignatius’ Rules of Discernment and talk about how they can truly change anyone’s spiritual life who learns to implement them. 

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#changeyourlife #catholic #betterlife

⏰ Timecodes ⏰

00:00 Introduction and Background

04:56 Understanding The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

07:51 Understanding Discernment of Spirits

13:23 Consolation, Desolation, and Tranquility

14:04 Magnificat

15:14 Verbum

19:07 First Rule of Spiritual Discernment

23:09 Second Rule of Spiritual Discernment

30:18 Third and Fourth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

32:31 The closer you get to God, the more the Devil tries to pull you back in

35:51 Fifth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

38:28 Sixth Rule of Discernment

40:24 Seventh Rule of Spiritual Discernment

41:51 Eighth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

43:36 Ninth Rule of Discernment

44:54 Tenth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

45:38 Eleventh Rule of Spiritual Discernment

48:48 Twelfth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

52:19 Thirteenth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

53:09 Fourteenth Rule of Spiritual Discernment

58:20 Discernment of Spirits within Marriage

05:45 Final Remarks

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