Protrusive Dental Podcast podcast

So You’ve Decided to Specialise? – IC056

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How do we decide whether speciality training is right for us? Is the best time to specialise straight after Dental School? Or should we gain some experience in practice first? Dr Beant Thandi joins us today to share his journey into specialising and shares some key experiences that will surely help guide you along the way. We discuss the different specialities within Dentistry as well as what personality types may suit them. This episode will really help you understand what it takes to specialise and how to get there. Watch IC056 on Youtube Key Takeaways:- Beant is starting his specialization in periodontics.- His journey began during COVID, leading to a desire to specialize.- Proactive learning and mentorship played a crucial role in hisdevelopment.- Financial planning is essential when considering specialization.- Choosing a specialty should align with personal interests and strengths.- Periodontics offers a breadth of practice that appeals to Beant.- The importance of community support in dental education cannot be overstated.- Reflection and documentation of cases can enhance learning and confidence.- Understanding the financial implications of specialization is vital.- It's important to stay grounded and not rush into specialization.  Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below! Highlights of this Episode:00:00 Teaser02:38 Intro to Dr Beant Thandi04:03 Dental Journey06:10 What Influenced You?12:56 Too Young to Specialise17:50 Judgement by Jaz21:00 Never too Young26:05 Cost of Specialising28:23 Why not the USA?31:30 Roasting Prostho34:45 Roasting Endo37:42 Roasting Ortho39:49 Roasting Oral Surgery45:00 Shoutout to Lucy45:30 Final Thoughts47:28 End Outro If you liked this episode, check out a classic: Should You Specialise? PDP006 This episode is not eligible for CPD/CE points, but never fear, there are hundreds of hours of CPD waiting for you on the Ultimate Education Plan, including Premium clinical workthroughs and Masterclasses. Click below for full episode transcript: Teaser: But one thing I learned from a nurse when I was doing a DCT job was people all progress at different rates. It should be competency based, not necessarily time based things. People learn at different rates. And this was a max fax nurse who's obviously seen regists for decades, where I'm sure like, the junior regists are better than the senior regists. Just because they soak it up more. [Jaz]The whole pros element, right? Multiple crowns, four rehabs, lots of general dentist do four rehabs, lots of general dentists do all on fours, that kind of stuff. So, nowadays it's like blurred lines between, okay, what do they actually need a Prosth for? However, prosth, I think they're very employable. However, lots of people who do an MClinDent Prosth end up being general dentist. We're just like really good general dentists in practice and still doing checkups and stuff. I have seen that. [Beant]The fees are 37 and a half thousand pounds a year and they're subjects- [Jaz]For a home student. [Beant]This is for a home student. I'm a home student.   [Jaz]What? How much is it for an international student? [Beant]60, 000 pounds. Jaz's Introduction:I think every dentist in the world at one stage of their career has thought about specializing. And most of us never do, right? About 90% in UK anyway are general dentists or at least non specialists. Only 7% actually enter specialist fields of dentistry like perio, prostho, endo, oral surgery, you name it. How do we decide whether specialty training is for you? There are huge sacrifices one must make both in terms of time and finances. And how can you be sure that you really want to niche and narrow your scope of practice into that one field that you might choose? Is the best time to specialize like straight after dental school? Or is it good to gain a few years experience or many years of experience before you ...

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