Portal by Markus Suckut podcast

Portal by Markus Suckut

Markus Suckut

I had the idea to start an own podcast series for quite a while now but I was a bit afraid to be honest. I wanted to keep it in a radio show format, as this is the format I grew up with and this was how I’ve discovered music. Also I wanted to do something different as I have a pretty wide range in music which I like. I get influenced by so many things so I thought it might be interesting for you to take this platform as the concept for a podcast. I will dig deeper and deeper through my collection of records and present it to you each month. It doesn’t matter how new or old the music is, it’s just about creating a good vibe to listen to, to enter another dimension. Moreover the idea is also to invite guests, in irregular intervals - people I respect for what they are doing music wise and for the culture. Music is able to lift you into other dimensions, so come with me through this portal and immerse into the depths of my record collection.

71 episodios