Politics with Cheri Jacobus
Cheri Jacobus
Cheri Jacobus breaks down what's happening in national politics. She gives it to you straight - even when it hurts!
No spin - just the raw truth!
From the halls of Congress to hitting the cable TV news airwaves with political commentary and launching the only news and commentary site for right-of-center so-called “Never Trump” voices, Cheri Jacobus is a known, trusted, reliable political analyst and operative who is not afraid to be direct. She is the founder, President, and Executive Producer of “America Reads The Mueller Report” airing on local TV in several states to educate Americans on what Special Counsel Robert Mueller actually found and reported.
Her past work includes: columnist for USA Today and The Hill, writing for The Guardian, The Daily Beast, New York Daily News, adjunct professor at George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management, founder and president of the political and PR consulting firm Capitol Strategies PR, RNC spokesperson and Communications Director for the House Education and Workforce Committee after the historic 1994 GOP takeover of Congress during the Contract for America.
Cheri Jacobus’ commentary, while right-of-center, at times takes on the Republican Party, including it’s leaders. Currently a registered independent, she is a strong and impactful critic of Donald Trump, a stance that has come with a price, but her commitment to her guiding principle of “country before party” remains steadfast and strong.
After graduating from The American Campaign Academy, an intense 10-week political boot camp dubbed the “West Point of politics” by Newsweek, Jacobus orchestrated one of the most exciting and closest congressional races in the country, even though her candidate was outspent nearly 6-to-1 by an entrenched incumbent. She has been part of outside advisory groups for several presidential campaigns, a lobbyist and political/communications strategist for successful repeal of the boat luxury tax and a consultant to congressional and state campaigns, policy campaigns and businesses.
Cheri Jacobus has been both praised and criticized by Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, and has sparred on television with the likes of Bill Maher, James Carville, Paul Begala and Al Sharpton , appearing across the political talk spectrum, including CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, CBSNews.com, PBS, ABC and more.
20 episodios
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