Outcomes Rocket podcast

Solving Healthcare's Identity Crisis with Clay Ritchey, the CEO of Verato

Retroceder 15 segundos
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Reliable patient identity is essential for avoiding duplicate tests and procedures in healthcare. In this episode at HIMSS 2024, Clay Ritchey, the CEO of Verato, explains how Verato specializes in identity solutions for healthcare, ensuring accurate patient information across the care continuum. He highlights the repercussions of identity errors, such as redundant tests and inaccurate risk assessments, emphasizing the crucial role of reliable data in AI-driven healthcare. At HIMSS, he observes a growing awareness of the importance of data quality for successful AI implementation, signaling a shift towards prioritizing identity management. Clay stresses the need for healthcare to harness the full potential of digital transformation by first getting identity right and invites listeners to engage with Verato, underscoring the importance of collaboration in driving healthcare innovation. Tune in and learn how prioritizing identity management can pave the way for more effective AI-driven healthcare! Resources:  Watch the entire interview here.  Connect and learn more about Clay Ritchey on LinkedIn. Learn more about Verato on their LinkedIn and website. Call Clay at (919) 995-3656.

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