News For Kids podcast

Kids in Taiwan Need More Exercise

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Kids in Taiwan Need More Exercise Narrator: In Taiwan, many kids from eleven to thirteen years old took a survey. Seventy percent said they needed more exercise. Kids: What?/Huh?!/No way! Narrator: You know what? They're right! 台灣很多11歲到13歲的小朋友填問卷調查,有百分之70的說他們需要運動。他們說的沒錯! Kids from five to seventeen years old need one hour of exercise a day. That's seven hours of exercise a week! 5到17歲的孩童需要每天運動1小時,一周要7個小時。 Kids have PE. But at most schools, PE is eighty to ninety minutes a week. 雖然學校有體育課,但大多數一周只上80到90分鐘。 Exercise can help kids be healthier. We can get exercise by doing things to move more. We can take the stairs, walk the dog, or ride a bike. 運動可以讓兒童更健康。我們可以多動動,像是走樓梯、遛狗或騎腳踏車。 Right now, it's too hot outside. The summer heat is strong. But - there are many ways to exercise inside! We can dance, swim, jump rope, play badminton, do taekwondo, or hula hoop! 外面現在真的太熱了,還是有很多方法可以在室內運動,例如跳舞、游泳、跳繩、打羽毛球、打跆拳道或搖呼拉圈。 Neighbor: Hey! Quiet down! Narrator: We need some space! We want to be safe, and we don't want to make people angry when we exercise at home! 我們需要安全的空間做運動。我們也不想在家做運動的時候,惹怒其他人。 Do you exercise one hour a day? No? Why are you sitting? If your teacher says okay, go and move! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 一個星期兩三堂的體育課,對兒童和青少年是不夠的。 1. exercise 運動 Wendy, let's go rollerblading at the park this afternoon. 溫蒂,我們今天下午去公園溜直排輪吧。 No, it's too hot.不要,太熱了。 Please, you need exercise. 拜託啦,你需要運動。 2. healthier 更健康 No, I need to study. 不了,我要讀書。 Rollerblading will make you healthier. 直排輪會讓你更健康。 I'm already very healthy, thanks to you.我已經很健康了,都是你的功勞。 3. hour 鐘頭 Still, experts say you need to work out for one hour every day. 還是一樣,專家說你需要每天動一個鐘頭。 Leave me alone, mom! 媽媽不要再吵我了! 4. swim 游泳 Alright, I'll go swimming all by myself! 好吧,我就自己去游泳吧。 What kind of exercise do you like? exercise運動 healthier更健康 hour鐘頭 swim游泳 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. How old were the kids who took the survey? a. Five to seventeen b. Eleven to thirteen c. Eighty to ninety 2. How much exercise do children need every day? a. One hour b. Five hours c. Seven hours 3. What can exercise help kids to be? a. Angrier b. Healthier c. Safer Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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