Sermons of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones podcast

Enemies of the Cross

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Philippians 3:18-19 — In this sermon on Philippians 3:18–19 titled “Enemies of the Cross,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses two common lies: works are all that matter or that works don’t matter at all. Furthermore, he discusses the traits that an enemy of the cross possesses. These are excellent tests to apply while listening to this sermon and examining the soul: “is my mind set on earthly things? Am I interested in spiritual realities? Does my appetite for food, sex, or material goods rule what I do? Am I proud of things that Scripture says are shameful?” Paul describes enemies of the cross in these ways and says that their end is destruction. Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out that the enemies of Christ are short sighted; they think about temporary things. They are given to temporary and fleeting desires, and don't have enough foresight to see that these things will come to an end in wrath and destruction. In contrast, the Christian is concerned with eternal realities and pleasing God rather than their fleshly desires. Moreover, their end is not destruction but vindication and fulfillment from Almighty God.

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