Making Comics podcast

Episode 203: A Career in Comics (with Ray-Anthony Height)

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

This week, we welcome Ray-Anthony Height (writer/inker of Midnight Tiger, artist for Marvel, Viz, Lion Forge, and Image) to the show

and discuss a wide array of topics, including further developing a strong idea (3:00), finishing the thumbnails for a comic (10:15), prepping a visa for the FIBDA Festival (14:00), the state of the comic industry today (21:40), the value of a second creative voice on a project (48:00), creator fear and how to address it (54:20), using feedback to gauge your progression (1:07:30), how less is more (1:15:00), and Ray-Anthony's comic career as it's progressed over time (1:22:30).

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