Magnify podcast

Gush More: Living the Gospel Every Day with Brooke Walker and Lyndsi Frandsen

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

In an effort to show that gospel living really works, we have to show our joy! Brooke Walker and her sister Lyndsi Frandsen were discussing this, and one idea came to mind: gush more. What does this mean? The fact is our world is becoming increasingly less expressive. Perhaps we aren't necessarily feeling less, but we certainly aren’t showing what we’re feeling, which isn’t always a bad thing. But because we are women who have the light of Christ, the fulness of the Gospel, and the power of God on our side, shouldn’t we have some feelings to celebrate and share?


This podcast will both celebrate and share ways we can all be gushers, ways we can wear our joyful hearts on our sleeve, and ways we can visibly and verbally emulate the bright light of Jesus Christ in what we say, show, and do. 


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