Magic in the United States podcast

Montague and Duck

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

What exactly is a witch? When is the word a slur, and when is it a title of empowerment? And when is the word a bit of both, a slippery glamor or tricky cunning -- as in the case of Montague and Duck Moore. Little is known about Mont and Duck, an elderly couple who moved into a rural community near Rocky Mountain, Virginia, sometime in the early 1900s. But Mont and Duck engaged in magical racketeering, and their story is recounted in several books of Appalachian folklore. Appalachia has a rich history, and in this episode, we chase down the fragmentary tale of Montague and Duck Moore, unpack the role of folklore in their tale, and uncover the origins – and contemporary forms – of Appalachian folk magic. Featuring Sara Amis, Cory Hutcheson, and Trevor McKenzie.

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