Ideas of India podcast

Kadambari Shah and Shreyas Narla on Continuing the Reform Agenda

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

Today my guests are Shreyas Narla and Kadambari Shah, who are my colleagues at the Mercatus Center and research scholars working with me on the 1991 Project. 

We spoke about the kinds of policy change we would like to see in the coalition government led by Modi’s in his third term. We talked about the research Shreyas, Kadambari and I have been working on in the areas of competition policy, regulating India’s digital marketplace, labor law reforms, scaling India’s manufacturing, streamlining GST, and much more. 

Recorded July 1st, 2024.

Read a full transcript enhanced with helpful links.

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(00:00:00) - Intro

(00:01:31) - Past Budgets Announcements and Upcoming Budget

(00:09:38) - Restarting reforms

(00:22:56) - The Tinkering of Government

(00:27:08) - Regulation of Big Tech Companies

(00:51:35) - India’s Labor Regulations

(01:10:33) - Solutions to India’s Regulatory Environment

(01:20:27) - Outro

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