The Risks of Mercury Amalgam Fillings During Pregnancy
Today on the Holistic Dentistry Show, Dr. Sanda discusses a study showing that pregnant women are exposed to excessive mercury from dental amalgams.
A study published in February 2024 shows that mercury exposure from dental fillings threatens pregnant women. For women who aren’t pregnant but already have fillings, Dr. Sanda shares her recommendations for beginning to detox from these fillings. Once pregnant, mercury will cross over to the baby, and it is better to manage the mercury before pregnancy. Dr. Sanda shares her experience recovering from mercury toxicity. She encourages women struggling to get pregnant to test their mercury levels before beginning IVF and begin the detox process as soon as possible.
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Key Takeaways:
(00:43) Mercury exposure from dental fillings in pregnant women
(1:58) Recommendation for non-pregnant women
(3:41) Amalgam in women correlates to mercury in urine.
(5:31) Mercury is a neurotoxin possibility related to infertility
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