Good in Bed podcast

Spooky Celebrity Sex and Teens Hate Sex on Screen

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

BOO, BITCH! Good in Bed is back from the dead and has taken over the Seven Minutes in Heaven feed. Get used to it. 

This week in sex news… 

  • Spectrophilia: Celebs who’ve made love to ghosts
  • Cops investigate a “dead body” which turns out to be a “very dirty, broken and overused” sex doll
  • Gen Z gets the ICK from onscreen sex, wants no-mance over romance
  • 2 in 3 women think they’re too uggo for sex
  • Dating app users are unhealthier than non-users
  • Female frogs fake their death to avoid sex
  • Are you masturbating too much, or is the shame all in your head, babe?

Tune in next week for the latest sex headlines of the week so you can #getgoodinbed

Otros episodios de "Good in Bed"