Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

You feel like you're out of patience.

Like you've been patient enough,

and you're tired.

You're tired of living the same day,

of worrying about the same things.

But this moment is different.

Can you feel the difference coming in right now?

The Silence coming in right now?

It's saying, 'welcome back'.

Welcome Home.

You've been running out (t)here.

Lost in the world.

Lost in thought, 

lost in fear.

Believing you're that body,

believing in those problems.

Welcome back.

It's like this fragrance wafts into the room,

into the scene,

and you come to your senses.

You go beyond your senses. 

And you notice there's a Harmony here. 

A Light here. 

God has washed (y)our feet. 

What feet?

No feet. 

No hands. 

No body. 

Nobody can take This from you. 

Welcome back...

for GoOD this time. 

I Love you,



"So long as He does not reveal Himself in a way that will dissolve all obstacles and obstructions, strive to live ever in His presence. Engage in whatever practice that helps to keep the mind centered in Him." - Anandamayi ma 

"Happy the man whose heart is set to call upon the Name of the Lord;
When he makes mention of the Name of the Lord,
he will be saved.
His ways are guided by the Lord....
He arose from his sleep,
and blessed the Name of the Lord:
In peacefulness of heart,
he sang to the Name of his God." -Psalms of Solomon VI:1-2,4, AOT p.663

"We have purified our hands in Truth and our lips in faith.
We have uttered words of radiance,
and were absorbed in thoughts of light...
Honour rests upon the 'uthras (pure souls) who sit in glory.
This is the prayer and praise that came to them from the great Place of Light and the everlasting abode.
We praise Him with it when we have risen from our sleep, before any have spoken falsehood.
For any man who prays this prayer, there will be forgiving of sins and transgressions in the great Place of Light and in the everlasting abode."- Mandaean Prayer Book 115; cf. CPM pp.111-12

"even at the end of my rope, I am still blessed.
with less of me, there is more of God." - @HerTrueWorth

"let go
of the pieces that no longer bring you peace." -louise kaufmann

Otros episodios de "GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki"