Dr. Chapa’s Clinical Pearls. podcast

Fluoride in Drinking Water Harmful in Pregnancy? Fake News or Real Foe?

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The United States began adding fluoride to community water supplies in 1945. At that time, Grand Rapids, Michigan became the first community in the world to add fluoride to tapwater. Over the last several years, with an increase in reporting and media stories over the last 3 months, fluorinated drinking water has come under scrutiny and controversy. Does fluoride in drinking water affect children in the womb? Is this a cause of altered neurocognitive development? Does this lower IQ scores? This is a very HOT topic and there’s more fuel towards this fire with a publication which was released on May 20, 2024 in JAMA Network Open. In this episode, we will lay out the facts of this study, and why this must be interpreted with more than just face value. So grab your favorite fluorinated water beverage, and listen in!

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