Sarah Westall - Business Game Changers podcast

Everything is not as it seems: Tavistock and the Lie Factory w/ Courtenay Turner

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Investigative Journalist, Courtenay Turner, joins the program to take a deep dive into the Tavistock Institute or the Lie Factory. She explains its origins and what it was established to do. She also shares how its research has penetrated deep into most of our public institutions. You can learn more and follow Courtenay Turner at   Links mentioned in the show: Sign up for the FREE Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare series at Learn more about Leela’s Quantum Tech at or at MitoCureRX: Get long term results with Methylene Blue & Mitochondria Support at   Consider subscribing: Follow on Twitter @Sarah_Westall Follow on my Substack at See Important Proven Solutions to Keep Your from getting sick even if you had the mRNA Shot - Dr. Nieusma MUSIC CREDITS: “In Epic World” by Valentina Gribanova, licensed for broad internet media use, including video and audio     See on Bastyon | Bitchute | Brighteon | Clouthub | Odysee | Rumble | Youtube | Tube.Freedom.Buzz     Courtenay Turner Biography: Courtenay Turner is the host of “The Courtenay Turner Podcast”, “WIM what is movement”, & her new show coming soon “The Right Voices”. She is also a speaker and aerial acrobatic performer. Having spent her academic career largely seeped in the world of philosophical and psychological texts and being a passionate athlete and performing artist, paved the way for the world in which she is currently immersed. Many today know her as the host of “The Courtenay Turner Podcast” where she boldly seeks truth, diving into a myriad of deep topics surrounding issues of health, fitness, medicine, philosophy, psychology, politics, geopolitics & sociocultural zeitgeist. However, she was born with a rare set of circumstances that has greatly impacted her perspective on life. “All human beings are designed to move and the ways in which we do are our unique creative expressions.”  – Courtenay Turner Courtenay was born with congenital rubella. Her mother had the German measles during first trimester of pregnancy. Some of the ramifications including but not limited to are unilateral blindness, severe bilateral hearing impairment, hypotonia affecting the limbs, heart complications, asymmetrical bone development, stunted growth, poor fine and graphic motor coordination and several other afflictions. They told her mother the best she could hope was to find a nice institution in which to spend her life. Surmounting that dire prognosis drove her fascination with the human psyche. She believes humans are capable of so much more than most realize and can defy the greatest odds! Through all of her content creation, writing, speaking and performing, she aims to inspire, inform and empower, and hopefully contribute to the preservation of the freewill of humanity!

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