Blind Abilities podcast

The Future of Accessibility: Tools for Success in Education and Beyond: Insights from Jesse Anderson

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Jesse Anderson, Assistive Technology Specialist at State Services for the Blind of Minnesota, discusses the latest advancements in assistive technology for high school and college students. He highlights tools like Aira's AccessAI, BeMyAI, JAWS, and smart glasses, emphasizing the importance of learning both mobile and computer-based solutions to improve independence and efficiency. Jesse also explores emerging technologies, such as multi-line Braille displays and AI-powered apps, while stressing the value of early adoption and flexibility in using various tools. His advice encourages students to embrace technology as a way to overcome challenges and succeed in academics, work, and everyday life.

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To find out more about the services provided at State Services for the Blind, and what they can do for you, contact Shane DeSantis at [email protected] or call Shane at 651-385-5205.

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