Beyond The Horizon podcast

Murder In Moscow Rewind: The Bizarre World Of Hybristophilia And Bryan Kohberger

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Hybristophilia is a sexual attraction or arousal in response to someone who has committed a heinous or notorious crime. It is also sometimes referred to as "Bonnie and Clyde syndrome" or "serial killer groupies." The term "hybristophilia" is derived from the Greek word "hubristes," which means "an outrage against another person."Individuals with hybristophilia may be drawn to criminals who have committed crimes such as murder, rape, or kidnapping.

They may seek out relationships with these individuals or become sexually aroused by the idea of being with them. Some individuals with hybristophilia may even go so far as to idolize and romanticize the criminal, viewing them as a misunderstood or tragic figure.Hybristophilia is a rare condition, and little is known about its causes. Some experts suggest that it may be related to a desire for power or control, while others speculate that it may be linked to a history of abuse or trauma. Regardless of its origins, hybristophilia can be a dangerous and potentially harmful condition, as it may lead individuals to engage in risky or illegal behavior in pursuit of their attraction to criminals.

In this episode, we take a look at hybristophilia and how it is connected to Bryan Kohberger and the Moscow murders.

(commercial at 7:57)

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