The Aware Show podcast

Keith Leon S. How to Talk to Your Guardian Angels - Part 2

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Do you believe that angels surround you? Do you think you are guided or are you filled with self-doubt? Lisa continues the conversation today with best-selling author Keith Leon S. who absolutely knows his angels are always with him. He asked for assistance as a child and heard the voice of his Guardian Angel. They have been with him ever since and Keith believes we can all ask them for their guidance and wisdom. He talks about reincarnation and what he has learned. He also discusses the non-linear nature of reality and how we can direct things in this reality. The choices we make now dictate our future. We can make them in alignment with the outcome we want. Keith talks about a specific “knowing” and how he manifests. He discusses the power of belief and how it’s possible to cancel out our own prayers with our wavering. If we take in the mainstream media and listen to negative news, for example, we can be deeply affected. He reminds us that we can choose to only receive things in alignment with how we want to be. We can look at role models and the choices they make. He talks about his involvement with Agape Spiritual Center and his relationship with Reverend Michael Beckwith. He became a practitioner there, as well as a soloist in their music program, including performing on stage with Stevie Wonder and Ben Vereen. Keith shares a personal story in which Ben Vereen was singing and afterward talked about his admiration for him. Since that moment, he realized that he was no longer nervous to sing and perform for an audience. Keith also discusses Ernest Holmes and the teachings of the Church of Religious Science, as well as other great spiritual teachers. He explains how they are all saying the same thing, only using different words. He further shares messages from his Angels and their words for humanity’s future. He talks about how everything is for the “highest good,” even if it doesn’t seem that way. We must turn off the noise and rely on our inner knowing. He suggests going into a place of stillness and asking a single question. The quality of our questions determines our answers. Keep asking that question over and over, until you receive the answer. He also suggests writing positive affirmations and repeating mantras 100 times a day for 33 days to reprogram our subconscious minds. That way, we can become aligned and find an energetic match to what we desire. Keith is a multiple best-selling author, international speakerand owner of a successful book publishing company. His books include, “Walking with My Angels,” “Who Do You Think You Are? Discover the Purpose of Your Life,” and “The Seven Steps to Successful Relationships,” co-authored with his wife, Maura.  He also talks about his most recent book and film, “The Inside Effects: How the Body Heals Itself,” which is available to watch for Free. This is Part 2 of the interview. Info:  and

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