Balance365 Life Radio podcast

Episode 327: 5 Tips for Eating Out with a Weight Loss Goal

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

Episode Overview

Today, Annie and Jen discuss strategies for dining out that will help more mindful, calorie-conscious decisions without sacrificing the joy. From the importance of menu foresight to customizing your meals to fit your nutritional needs, they cover it all. Whether you're a frequent or an occasional diner, this episode will help you navigate any menu while staying true to your health goals.

Before we dive in, don't forget to grab our free download, "How to Build a Balanced Meal." This will help you understand balanced eating and how to manage hunger and satiety effectively. Get your copy now.

Key Points

  • Annie and Jen share their dining out habits
  • Ways to customize orders
  • Creating calorie awareness and managing portions
  • Considering add-ons and sides

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Download a copy of this episode's transcript here.

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