Aspire to Lead podcast

290. What Makes A Great Principal?: Featuring Allyson Apsey

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In this insightful episode, we sit down with Allyson Apsey to discuss her new book, "What Makes A Great Principal?" Dive into the key elements and pillars that define outstanding school leadership! Topics Covered:
  • New Book: What Makes A Great Principal?
    • 3 Key Elements:
      • A clear emphasis on what truly matters
      • Strategies from teachers and students
      • What makes an impactful school leader?

  • 5 Pillars Essential to Great Principals:
    • What are the 5 pillars or which pillar would you like to highlight today?
    • Providing a framework that enables school leaders to prioritize daily tasks and establish long-term objectives.
    • Tools and strategies to implement these pillars effectively.

Join us as we explore these critical components of effective school leadership with Allyson Apsey, gaining practical insights and actionable advice for principals striving to make a difference in their schools.

About Allyson Apsey: 

Allyson Apsey has been an educator for more than twenty years; a school leader for sixteen of those years. She is passionate about having a serendipity mindset, looking for the beautiful lessons that every experience holds. She tries to be transparent, vulnerable and supportive, and she doesn't ask questions unless she wants the answers. Despite the fact that she never wanted to set foot in a school again after high school graduation, there is nowhere else she'd rather spend her days than in classrooms. In fact, she doesn’t even have a chair at her desk because she is moving around the school all day long. The challenges and delights of being a principal fill her days with joy. She enjoys nothing more than helping others be the very best they can be. Allyson is so proud of her school district and the Zeeland, MI community, and she loves being the principal of Quincy Elementary. She cannot imagine a more dedicated, passionate and skilled group of teachers. They elicit wonder, excitement and a love for learning in their students. Recognizing the significant impact trauma has had on many of our students, staff and families, Allyson is a Certified Trauma Practitioner in Education. The support that students affected by trauma need are beneficial to all students because they are grounded in a foundational core of strong, positive relationships based on trust. She is honored to serve on the Board of Directors for MEMSPA (Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association). Additionally, she is on the Steering Committee for MACUL (Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning) SIG-ADMIN. She recognizes the value of working with and learning from amazing educational leaders in both of these organizations. Allyson is the author of a blog called Serendipity in Education ( has written four books: a middle grades chapter book called The Serendipity Journal, a picture book called The Princes of Serendip, and two professional learning books for...

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