All Things Endurance podcast

Episode 12: Training Considerations for 100+ Mile Ultras with Guest Jason Koop

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In this episode of the All Things Endurance Podcast, host Rick Prince chats with renowned ultrarunning coach/author and UESCA principal, Jason Koop about training considerations for 100+ mile ultramarathons. Across many endurance sports disciplines, there is a trend toward longer distance races, and ultrarunning is no exception. Some of the topics that Rick and Jason discuss are:

1.       Why do you think there is such an interest in 100+ mile ultras now?

2.       From a volume perspective, are there any general training guidelines that athletes looking to target 100+ mile races should pay attention to?

3.       From a nutritional demand standpoint, what, if any are the differences between a 100+ mile ultra and a < 100+ mile ultra?

4.       Should someone racing a 100+ mile ultra, still include intensity in their training program?

5.       Are there any race distance prerequisites that someone racing an 100+ mile ultra distance should consider?

6.       Any special training/race prep considerations to take into account if training for a 100+ mile ultra?

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