In another thrilling episode of The Adventure Diaries, host Chris Watson is joined by Hazen Audel, a biologist, survival expert, and star of National Geographic's Primal Survivor. Hazen takes us deep into the Amazon jungle, sharing incredible stories of his time living with indigenous tribes, his passion for rewilding nature, and how he transformed his wild dream into a successful television career. From catching a seven-foot rainbow boa to encountering giant armadillos, Hazen's journey is filled with jaw-dropping moments that will leave you inspired and in awe of the natural world.
Key Topics Discussed:
- Hazen's lifelong passion for nature and wildlife
- The adventure that changed his life: an eight-month immersion in the Amazon
- Living with indigenous tribes and learning their languages and customs
- The journey from the Amazon to becoming the star of Primal Survivor
- The importance of rewilding and connecting with nature
- Lessons learned from the wild and indigenous cultures
- Hazen's thoughts on community, solitude, and the modern world
- The unforgettable moments and challenges faced during the filming of Primal Survivor
Key Takeaways:
- Hazen's childhood love for nature led him to explore the Amazon at just 19 years old.
- His time with indigenous tribes taught him invaluable lessons about nature and community.
- Sharing his experiences online eventually led to his breakthrough in television.
- Hazen emphasizes the importance of rewilding and preserving natural habitats.
- He believes that true adventure lies in reconnecting with the natural world.
Call to Adventure:
- "Rewild your surroundings."
- "Put up bird houses."
- "Plant plants that are going to bring in the kind of bugs that I don't, yeah, bees are awesome, but I like bugs, like I like biodiversity cause I know how important they are."
- "Invite more wildlife and wildflowers into your life."
- "Learn and interact and be a part of nature."
Pay It Forward:
- Ecotourism: "If you're going to do some eco excursions, go to Ecuador, go to these other places in South and Central America outside of Costa Rica."
- Space for Giants: "It's an organization that's trying to give a lot of education to the locals so elephants can have a place that they can continue their migrations without being shot or beat to death by farmers."
- Jane Goodall Foundation: "Because they're so set, they're so organized, the funds go directly towards education, educating, getting into the schools, getting these kids to acknowledge that where they live, if they live in Madagascar that they have, they live with lemurs, they live with all this wildlife and they can have an amazing life and protect the wildlife that they live with and have pride in that."
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