The One Year Bible Podcast 2025 podcast

Day 66: God sets rules for bodily discharges | Aaron purifies the Israelites | Jesus honors a woman who pours perfume on him

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

In Leviticus 15-16, the Lord speaks to Moses about purity laws, detailing how to handle uncleanliness and setting the stage for the Day of Atonement, a sacred time for atonement and purification for the people of Israel. On this day, the High Priest makes sacrifices and enters the Holy of Holies to atone for the sins of the nation, symbolizing a deep cleansing and reconciliation with God. Will the High Priest's offering be acceptable in the eyes of the Lord, securing forgiveness for the people?

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Leviticus 15

Leviticus 16

Mark 13: 32-37

Mark 14: 1-16

Psalm 31:1-8

You're listening to the "Holy Bible In 1 Year: Dramatized" with Master Storyteller, Michael Wood. Featuring the Holy Bible Easy-to-Read version and used by permission from Bible League International.

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