The One Year Bible Podcast 2025 podcast

Day 64: Rules for skin diseases | Jesus quotes the greatest command | a poor widow gives two coins

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Leviticus 13 details the laws concerning leprosy, instructing priests on how to diagnose and manage the condition in individuals and in garments. If someone exhibits symptoms of leprosy, they are to be examined by a priest, who decides if the person is unclean and thus, must live apart from the community. The chapter intricately outlines symptoms and procedures, emphasizing cleanliness and the role of priests in preventing the spread of disease.

Will the community manage to contain the spread of leprosy through these divine instructions?

In Mark 12:28-44, Jesus engages with religious leaders and teaches in the temple. A scribe asks Him which commandment is the most important, and Jesus responds with "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength" and "Love your neighbor as yourself," emphasizing love as the foundation of the law. Jesus then warns against the hypocrisy of scribes who seek honor and exploit widows. The narrative concludes with Jesus observing people offering money at the temple, where He highlights a poor widow's two small coins as the greatest offering because she gave all she had.

Will the followers of Jesus find the strength to live by these commandments of love, even in the face of hypocrisy and societal challenges?Support the show at Patreon.

Leviticus 13

Mark 12: 28-44

Proverbs 6: 20-29

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