The Empowered CEO Show podcast

The Empowered CEO Show

Elley Mae

Welcome to The Empowered CEO Show. I’m your host, Elley Mae & I am a business coach & host of this podcast, specialising in helping coaches & online service providers to work less, earn MORE & scale their businesses to 6-figures and beyond by saying f*k the rules & doing it YOUR WAY. After making $130k in my first year of business, I went on to help entrepreneurs worldwide to make the income they *know* they’re capable of making, enjoy their businesses waaaay more & ultimately have more financial and time freedom to actually LIVE. THEIR. LIVES. Wana work less, earn more, attract your dream clients, create better content and fall in LOVE with your business all over again, (whilst making more money & having more freedom AND FUN than ever!)… THIS IS WHERE WE DO IT.

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