The Better Man Podcast podcast

121: How To Get Back Into Exercise After A Total Hip Replacement with Christopher

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When today’s guest, Christopher, turned 40, he had a total hip replacement due to an undiagnosed bilateral hip dysplasia he suffered from his whole life. 


And ever since, Christopher had an on again and off again relationship with his fitness. He was particularly good at joining a gym, being consistent for six months, then falling off for a year before going back. 


And his biggest obstacle was actually leaving his home to go to the gym. Once he left his house, he completed his workout, and always felt better after. But leaving the house felt impossible for large stretches of time. 


Then, one day, he discovered Man Flow Yoga, signed up for the Members’ Area & App, and had the single longest consistent streak of his life: He did yoga at least three times a week for nearly two years (at the time of recording this episode). 


I recommend listening to this interview if you need an extra boost of motivation to crush your workout today. 


In this episode, Christopher shares: 

  • His story about having a total hip replacement surgery—at age 40

  • How to leverage community to fast track your fitness journey 

  • A few dieting obstacles Christopher has encountered recently 

And more, including… 

  • Why doing yoga is even more important after a total hip replacement surgery than before it (7:59) 

  • How following a structured workout plan eliminates inaction, improves focus, and even reduces stress (11:31) 

  • Why yoga can fix an awkward “Frankenstein gait” walking pattern within weeks (even if you’ve had both of your hips replaced) (13:34) 

  • How to train your brain to enjoy the discomfort of deep stretches instead of dreading it (15:31) 

  • The trick for using your natural competitive spirit to inspire your own consistency (17:30) 

  • The “One Step” secret for starting a massive transformation without overwhelming yourself or burning out (32:52) 

Listen now!


Quotes from this episode’s guest:  

  • (3:46) I was feeling much older than I actually was. You know, at 40, you know, I was starting to walk with a cane and had a limp. I just felt more like I was 90 as opposed to 40.

  • (11:31) The programs are a huge help for me. Because if I know, okay, I'm gonna go do this exercise, then this exercise, it keeps me on track. 

  • (14:50) My whole life I've never been a person that could touch their toes. I could maybe get past my knees. And so, being able to bend over and touch my toes or tie my shoes without sitting down has been a huge improvement.

  • (22:12) Man Flow Yoga as a group of routines is great. But what really has kept me coming back has been the Man Flow Yoga Community. 


Other important links: 

Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here: 


Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 


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