The Language of Light podcast

Cleansing the Heart from Resentment w/ Light Language+

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One of the people I witness on Instagram is Stephanie Nosco and her Energy guidance and medicine. I recommend her as an original one, offering valuable- vital content for these times of transformation ( ). Self- studying and healing myself with my own Light Language medicine brings up all sorts of shadows and their energetics that I need to transform. These days I have been feeling intimately into my personal dissapointment, anger, frustration and resentment that I have felt when I was a child, neglected by my family, especially my mother. One of the moments I remember- my teeth needed caring, for I was in pain, and I was lying in bed, feeling sooo abandoned and unloved, adults being busy with their own challenges. It is then that I rooted deep in my bones, the energy that I cannot trust, especially females, and started to create a behaviour to show my upset. But this behavious trapped me in frozenness and a repelling of others with whom I could create real love. Back then, I had no safe space to speak my feelings or release them through play/ movement because of rigid upbringing- so I repressed. These things don't go away jf we don't address them...we are becoming real Adults, ever present, allowing and embracing into integration all the hurts of our Inner Children. Once you find your blend of medicine, it gets easier. For me this blend of medicine is: Light Language, writing, dancing, studying and applying higher knowledge that resonates with me ( it is especially important that I resonate with the conduit, the human so I can truly receive! ). I hope my Light Language audio and my sharing helps you restore a little bit more of that special wholeness that you already are.

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