Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth Podcast podcast

Inner Work 227: Your ego journey versus your Divine journey

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Are you currently on an ego journey, or have you shifted into your Divine journey?

What are the differences between these two types of journeys? 

Join me for this episode of Inner Work where we'll discuss:

  • how is a Divine journey different from an ego journey?
  • the ups and downs & challenges of an ego journey
  • key indicators that you're shifting out of an ego journey and into your Divine journey
  • waking up from the ego dream
  • how a spiritual awakening can spark a dark night of the Soul, as you evolve beyond your ego-based identity
  • what's required to remain on your Divine journey and not veer off the path back into unconsciousness


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Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

Music & editing by G. Demers

Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

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