Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcasts podcast

Timeless | Akaliko | Buddhist Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Dhammasiha

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Ajahn Dhammasiha responds to a question about the meaning of 'akāliko' (timeless).

Timelessness is one of the qualities of the Dhamma, as described by the Buddha in the well known formula:

  • "Svākkhāto Bhagavatā Dhammo, sandiṭṭhiko, akāliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko, paccattaṃ veditabbo viññūhī'ti"
  • "The Dhamma is well expounded by the exhaulted one, visible here and now, timeless, inviting investigation, practicable, to be experienced for themselves by the wise."

There are two aspects of 'Timelessness' in regards to the Dhamma:

  1. Regarding 'Dhamma' as conceptual teaching expressed in words, it's timeless in the sense that it just as valid and applicable now as it was 2,500 years ago at the time of the Buddha, and leading to the same results
  2. Regarding 'Dhamma' as the state of freedom, Nibbāna, experienced internally in our heart as the result of liberating insight, it is timeless in the sense that Nibbāna totally transcends time. As there is nothing impermanent in the experience of the Deathless Element, there can't by any 'time'.

However, even though the supreme timelessness of Nibbāna is not easy to realize, we can get an idea of timelessness already on earlier stages of the path:

  • The experience of 'samādhi'/'jhāna' (blissful internal unification of mind; 'concentration') is largely timeless in the sense that there are no changes experienced as long as the state lasts. Someone experiencing 4th jhāna may sit for 12 hours, but on emerging from it, wouldn't know how long it lasted, as there are no changes to measure time in samādhi. They would have to check external clues like a clock or position of the sun to gauge the time passed. However, samādhi can't give us absolute timelessness, as the experince will end once the conditions sustaining it are exhausted

However, jhāna is also not exactly easy to experience for most. But we can get at least a whiff of timelessness already at a fairly basic level of Dhamma practice: Present Moment Awareness

  • If we simply observe whatever phenomenom arises in the present moment, we experience timelessness in the sense that all worries and concerns re past and future drop away. This is usually more than 90% of all our worries. Unless we experience physical pain right here and now, all our suffering tends to be memories of the past, or worries about the future.

Simply by staying pin-point right here in the presence, we can get a break from most of our suffering in the timeless experience of the here-and-now!

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