China Insider podcast


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中国中心主任余茂春分析为什么"台湾关系法"远比被中共曲解的"三个公报"重要, 以及台湾关系法45周年之际的重新评估与展望, 决定中共武力攻台的四大因素和美台军事合作的必要和需改进之处.


Title: Reassessing the Taiwan Relations Act 45 years later and the 4 factors impacting China's decision to invade Taiwan

Description: In this episode for Chinese-speaking listeners, China Center's director Miles Yu explains why the Taiwan Relations Act is far more important than the Three Communiques that are often misinterpreted by the CCP. He also offers a new assessment of the Taiwan Relations Act 45 years later. Moreover, Miles analyzes the 4 factors impacting the CCP's decision to invade Taiwan and why it's imperative to improve and enhance U.S.-Taiwan military cooperation.

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