Amen Podcast podcast

God's Law Explained | Catechism #7

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In honor of Valentine's Day, let's explore a profound question from the Christian catechism: What does God's law require? The answer lies in two simple yet powerful commandments, but first, let me share a timely story about the real Saint Valentine.

The True Story of Saint Valentine

In the third century, during the reign of Emperor Claudius, a priest named Valentine took a bold stand for love. While Claudius was sending young men to die in meaningless wars, Valentine secretly married Christian couples, knowing that married men were exempt from military service. This act of defiance saved countless lives and allowed young families to flourish. Valentine's commitment to love ultimately cost him his life – he was executed in his 40s for his actions and attempts to evangelize Claudius himself.

This story perfectly illustrates the two fundamental commandments that encompass all of God's law.

The Two Great Commandments

As Jesus teaches in Matthew 22:37-40, all of God's law – every command and prophetic word – can be distilled into two essential principles:

* Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind

* Love your neighbor as yourself

What Does It Mean to Love God?

Loving God means:

* Enjoying His presence

* Obeying His commands

* Putting Him first in every area of life

* Starting each day by asking: "Is this action motivated by love for God, or love for something else?"

What Does It Mean to Love Your Neighbor?

The command to "love your neighbor as yourself" isn't about self-love as a prerequisite – it's about extending the same care and consideration to others that we naturally give ourselves. Just as we instinctively seek our own wellbeing, we're called to actively pursue the happiness and growth of others, even when it requires difficult choices.

The Heart of the Matter

Here's the challenging truth: we can't fulfill these commands on our own. Our natural state is one of selfishness – just watch any baby and you'll see this truth in action. That's why the story of God's law doesn't end with commands, but with Christ.

The same God who gave the law on Mount Sinai later sent His Son to a different mountain – Calvary – not just to give us the law, but to fulfill it perfectly on our behalf. Through Christ's sacrifice, we receive both forgiveness for our failures and a new heart capable of truly loving God and others.

Practical Application

This transformation shows up in everyday moments:

* In how we start our day, choosing to put God first

* In how we handle difficult conversations

* In how we make decisions that might cause temporary discomfort but lead to long-term growth

* In how we extend grace to others, just as we've received grace

Closing Thoughts

The requirements of God's law – loving Him and loving others – aren't just rules to follow. They're an invitation to experience life as it was meant to be lived. Through Christ, we receive the power to move beyond our natural selfishness and into a life marked by genuine love for God and neighbor.

As we celebrate Valentine's Day, let's remember the priest who gave his life demonstrating these twin loves, and more importantly, the God who makes such love possible through Christ.

This post is adapted from Episode 7 of our weekly catechism series, where we explore the core doctrines of the Christian faith.

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