AHC Podcast podcast

Armand Hammer

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It appears history lets a few folks slip through the cracks when it comes to who makes the history books.  The show subject today lived a life that’s straight out of a James Bond movie – espionage, bribes, business deals and of course, multiple women. But it seems as though most of the public has never heard of this dude.  Armand Hammer worked directly with 7 presidents, along with Russian leaders, to grow diplomacy and his personal fortune in the process.  But there was a lot of ulterior motives behind a lot of what Hammer did.  How does a guy that supported Russian spies in the US now have highways named after him?  Was his relationship with the Russians in good faith, or was he a traitor to the country that made him rich?  And how far did he go to try and hide his mistress from his wife?  We’ll dive into all this and more in the Armand Hammer episode of AHC Podcast.




Intro Music Credit:

[No Copyright Sound] Trap Beat [Rap, Hip-Hop, Instrumental] [ FREE USE MUSIC ] - FAYZED - Rebirth







Boyarsky, B. (1996, October 27). A virtual spy : Dossier: The secret history of armand hammer. by Edward J. Epstein (Random House: $30, 418 pp.). Los Angeles Times. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-10-27-bk-58288-story.html

Callaway, J. (2024, October 16). John Callaway interviews: Armand Hammer. Media Burn Archive. https://mediaburn.org/video/john-callaway-interviews-armand-hammer/

The New York Times. (1981, November 29). The riddle of armand hammer. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/1981/11/29/magazine/the-riddle-of-armand-hammer.html

Wikimedia Foundation. (2024, December 14). Armand Hammer. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armand_Hammer

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