Wild + (finally fcking) Free: Real, Raw Stories of the Disruptors, Rebels + Revolutionaries podcast

S5E2 Summer Series: Removing Money Splinters with Dr Ezzie Spencer

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Dr Ezzie Spencer is a former human rights lawyer turned international 5x best selling author, founder & creator of the Splinter Method®.  She finds and removes your money splinters in multiple channels through her multivalent method.

When you take out your money splinters, making money in your business will be faster & easier than ever before (without doing more). You will stop being a woman who chases money — and instead become a woman who receives money with true feminine flow.

Ezzie first appeared on the podcast back in S1 E47 Trusting Me, Trusting Life with Dr Ezzie Spencer.

I asked Ezzie to come back on and share the new process she has developed for Removing Money Splinters. In this ep we chat about:

  • the Money Splinter process and how this modality was developed by Ezzie, and exactly what happens inside of a session
  • Unconscious vows, your internal decisions and dialogues that have been formed as protective mechanisms to keep you safe
  • Splinter removal, the way Ezzie sees and senses the small external ways that life has "come into" us
  • The subtlety and delicacy of Ezzie's work and the importance of her clients coming to their own realisations through her carefully designed process
  • the three main channels - Power, Peace and Love - and how splinters in each can show up for female entrepreneurs
  • the generative impact of Ezzie's work in the world, and how she personally experiences being a co-creator in a Money Splinter session

Find Ezzie online at www.ezziespencer.com

Head here to do Ezzie's Money Splinter Quiz.

And find her Reflection Cards and Lamp here.

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