The Quill & Sword podcast

The Quill & Sword | CAAF Chats Ep 50: United States v. Leipart (C.A.A.F. 2024)

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts
This week we discuss CAAF’s latest opinion concerning the role the providence inquiry fits into a mixed plea. Also, we discuss CAAF’s holding concerning whether defense counsel are ineffective when they fail to object to improper use of the providence inquiry. Learn more about The Quill & Sword series of podcasts by visiting our podcast page at The Quill & Sword show includes featured episodes from across the JAGC, plus all episodes from our four separate shows: “Criminal Law Department Presents” (Criminal Law Department), “NSL Unscripted” (National Security Law Department), “The FAR and Beyond” (Contract & Fiscal Law Department) and “Hold My Reg” (Administrative & Civil Law Department). Connect with The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School by visiting our website at or on Facebook (tjaglcs), Instagram (tjaglcs), or LinkedIn (school/tjaglcs).

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