The Slow Living Collective podcast

Why September is the perfect time to start living more slowly & simply

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Hello September.

September has a unique energy doesn’t it? On the one hand it’s still technically summer, with the beginning of autumn not starting until Autumn Equinox, but on the other hand the signs of autumn are everywhere.

And for those of us for who autumn is our most favoured season, we will autumn on at quite a pace.

Don’t worry, I am guilty too.

I love autumn but I’m trying to make sure I enjoy these last drops of summer, and I urge you to do the same. Autumn and the impending winter are long, cold and dark months. It seems an unfathomable distance to the lightness and rebirth of spring, yet we all get so excited by autumn. But what if, instead of hurrying ourselves into autumn before it’s really time and burning out when the autumn and winter season appears to go on too long (because we embraced it voluntarily a month too early…), we just embraced right we are at.

Late summer with drops of autumn.

September is about as transitional and beautiful as it gets in the entire calendar in my opinion. The warm and joy of late summer, combined with beautiful signs of autumn slowly creeping in. It’s often still warm enough to go without a coat for much of the month, but we’re already feeling the cosiness of autumn and winter creeping in.

So, what if we didn’t run headlong into autumn and discount the last drops of summer just yet? What if we just sat with the moment we’re in? What if we stopped trying to define it and instead just embraced it?

It’s transitional. It’s the best of both world. It is both summer and autumn and neither at the same time.

What if we just tried that?

There’s something truly magical about September. It’s like the universe is giving us a little nudge, gently whispering, “Hey, it’s okay to slow down now.” After a summer full of adventures and endless socialising, September arrives like a breath of fresh air, inviting us to hit pause and soak in the beauty of this in-between season.

It’s magical, a time where you can still spot the last rays of summer while also noticing the first hints of autumn. And it is, in my opinion at least, a wonderful time to start thinking about embracing a slower and simpler way of living.

That being said, if you want to start living more slowly, simply and in line with the seasons then anytime is a good time to start. But September has this little nudge of magic that I think stirs a little something in all of us. September isn’t just another month to tick off of the calendar, it truly is this amazing period of transition, and I think we all feel it. It’s the perfect moment to start slowing down.

Let’s slow down and journey together through the seasons with simplicity and mindfulness. Subscribe for simple musings directly to your inbox.

All around us we will start noticing nature doing the same, shifting gears, slowing down and preparing for a long winter ahead. And I am here to tell you it is ok for you to do the same. As the month progresses (and not discounting summer too early) it’s ok to start letting go of those last drops of summer and making space for what really matters to you. So if you’re ready, let’s embrace that unique energy that September brings along with it, let’s allow ourselves to slow things right down, let’s feel that energy and alignment with the seasons and use it as the stepping stone to do this all year round.

I promise, when you give yourself permission to align with the natural rhythm of the season, you’ll find a deeper sense of peace and fulfilment waiting for you.

As the seasons change, so can you — take the opportunity that September brings to refresh and align with the season.

The Seasonal Shift is almost here. Let’s embrace it.

Nature has its own rhythm. It never changes, it never falters. It always says in alignment with the seasons and their changes. And I think the transitional month we experience through September is a reminder of just how powerful that rhythm can be, for nature, but also how we can apply this to our own lives too.

Think of it this way…

Just as the trees begin to let go of their leaves and animals start preparing for the colder months, we’re invited to do the same. All we have to do is accept that invitation and shift our thinking.

And what do I mean about shifting our thinking?

We’re so used to living like it’s an eternal summer, in fact it’s the way we’ve been raised and the way society has taught us to be. Living like it’s an eternal summer is a mindset that’s all about go, go, go. Think endless to-do lists, packed calendars, and a constant push to be on the move — much like those long, busy days of summer. It’s that feeling of needing to always be productive, always be achieving, and never really slowing down to catch your breath. And while summer energy is amazing, living like it’s summer all the time can leave us feeling pretty drained and disconnected. This is what society tells us is the way to live and operate, and this is why so many people eventually burn out.

Life isn’t meant to be lived at one speed. Just like the seasons, we’re designed to ebb and flow too, to have moments of high energy and moments of rest.

And the reason I am so passionate about living seasonally is because it invites us to tune into the rhythms of nature. It invites us to connect to the people and humans we naturally are, and they way we were designed to live.

When you realise that, you’ve essentially won the lottery. All you need to do is apply it.

Living seasonally means enjoying the growth and connection that summer brings, but also knowing when it’s time to slow down, just like the earth does in autumn and winter. It’s about finding balance — letting yourself be productive and social when it feels right, but also giving yourself permission to rest and reflect when your body and mind need it. Because when we align with the seasons, we create space for a life that feels more intentional, more grounded, and ultimately, more fulfilling. There’s something so grounding about stepping back and letting nature guide us.

Change can be such a beautiful thing when we let it encourage simplicity. As the season shifts, it’s the perfect opportunity to reassess what’s really important. Embracing the change that September brings allows us to make space for what truly matters.

So let’s welcome this all with open arms, simplify our lives, and reconnect with what fills us up.

Right now I am doing something big, bold and audacious and I am upgrading my signature course Rooted in Season’s to include things beyond just seasonal living.

Rooted in Season’s helps you get started with living in alignment with the seasons. Soon it will be a course about embracing a slow and simple life, living in alignment with the seasons, creating a life that feels food and embracing a life full of intentionality. It will be about living with intention and purpose, rather than living by default.

The course will cost £97, but I currently have it on sale for £27 for my Subscribers only. You will get all the upgrades and resources the new course has to offer so this is a great deal - don’t miss it if it sounds like it’s for you.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this! How do you embrace the different seasons in your life? Do you find yourself living like it’s an eternal summer, or are you tuning into the unique rhythm of each season? Drop a comment below and share your experiences—I’m excited to hear how you’re creating balance and living more intentionally throughout the year!

September isn’t just a transition; it’s an invitation to slow down, simplify, and embrace the beauty of change. Join me?

Let’s slow down and journey together through the seasons with simplicity and mindfulness. Subscribe for simple musings directly to your inbox.

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