The Slow Living Collective podcast

Is living seasonally your secret weapon against burnout?

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Have you ever felt like you’re running on empty, despite doing everything “right”? The emails, the deadlines, the never-ending to-do lists—it’s like no matter how much you hustle, there’s always something more demanding your attention. In a world where the hustle is glorified, burnout has become an all-too-common companion, leaving us drained, unfulfilled, and wondering if there’s a better way.

The truth is, we’re living in a time where technology keeps us connected 24/7, and the lines between work and rest are blurrier than ever. We’re constantly bombarded with notifications, expectations, and the pressure to keep up, leading to a lifestyle that’s out of sync with our natural rhythms. We push through our days with little regard for balance, often at the cost of our wellbeing. It’s no wonder burnout is so prevalent when we’re caught in a cycle of overwork and overstimulation, with little time to truly recharge.

But what if there’s a different way? A way to slow down, reconnect with ourselves, and live in harmony with the world around us?

Enter living seasonally.

When we align our lives with the natural cycles of the seasons, we can create a lifestyle that not only supports our wellbeing but also helps prevent burnout.

We live in a world that’s always on, where speed and productivity are praised above all else, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of doing more, being more, and achieving more. But here’s the thing: life wasn’t meant to be lived in overdrive. When we push ourselves to keep up with the demands of modern life, we end up sacrificing the very things that make life meaningful — our health, our relationships, and our peace of mind.

This is where seasonal living steps in like a breath of fresh air. It’s an invitation to slow down and align our lives with the natural rhythms of the world around us. Instead of pushing through every day with the same intensity, seasonal living encourages us to embrace the different energies each season brings. Think of it as nature’s way of reminding us that there’s a time for everything — a time to grow, a time to rest, a time to reflect, and a time to celebrate.

Is that beautiful?

By living seasonally, we start to tune into these rhythms and allow ourselves to flow with them. In the warmth of summer, we might feel energised and social, ready to take on new projects and connect with others. But as autumn approaches, we’re naturally drawn to slow down, to reflect on what we’ve accomplished, and to prepare for the quieter, more introspective days of winter. This ebb and flow creates a more balanced approach to life that’s rooted in intention and mindfulness, helping us avoid burnout by honouring our need for rest just as much as our desire for achievement.

I just love this.

I have worked for myself for almost 20 years in some capacity, and the world of entrepreneurship is riddled with everything I hate. Hustle, constant go, go, go and the drive for doing more, being more and doing it better than before.

I love the freedom it gives me but I have had to find a way to make it work for me. One that aligns with the ebb and flow of the seasons, that allows me to work and be creative while also being able to switch off where necessary. One that allows me to pursue my creative endeavours but doesn’t encroach on my family time. A way of living, working and being that means I can balance things and not burn out.

When you’re burnt out it means that the balance is wrong. That something is off. That your alignment isn’t currently working for you.

Seasonal living isn’t just about changing what we do; it’s about changing how we do it. It encourages us to be more intentional with our time, to savour the present moment, and to appreciate the unique beauty each season brings. When we live this way, we find a counterbalance to the relentless demands of modern life — a slower, more intentional pace that nurtures our wellbeing and reminds us that it’s okay to step back, breathe, and simply be.

Let’s slow down and journey together through the seasons with simplicity and mindfulness. Subscribe for simple musings directly to your inbox.

So, what is burnout?

Burnout isn’t just about feeling tired after a long week; it’s a deep, overwhelming sense of exhaustion that seeps into every corner of your life. It’s that point where your mental, emotional, and physical reserves are completely drained, and even the smallest tasks feel like mountains. When you’re burned out, it’s not just your body that’s exhausted. Your mind is foggy, your emotions are frayed, and you can’t shake that feeling of being stuck in a never-ending loop of stress.

So, what leads to this kind of burnout? It’s not just one thing. It’s the cumulative effect of chronic stress, the kind that comes from constantly being on the go, trying to meet deadlines, juggle responsibilities, and keep up with the demands of work and life. When you’re always in “go” mode, without taking the time to recharge, that stress builds up and starts to wear you down. Overwork is another big culprit when it comes to burnout. When your to-do list is never-ending, and you’re pushing yourself beyond your limits, burnout is practically inevitable. And let’s not forget the lack of work-life balance. When work bleeds into every aspect of your life, leaving little room for rest, creativity, or connection, it’s a recipe for burnout.

The impact of burnout is profound. It doesn’t just affect how you feel day-to-day; it can seriously undermine your overall wellbeing. Your energy levels plummet, making it hard to focus or stay motivated. Your relationships can suffer because you’re too drained to be present with the people you care about. Productivity? That takes a nosedive too, as the constant fatigue and stress make it difficult to perform at your best. Burnout can leave you feeling disconnected from your work, your loved ones, and even yourself, making it all the more important to recognise the signs early and take steps to restore balance in your life.

How can living seasonally combat burnout?

Living seasonally is all about tuning into the rhythms that nature has set for us. Just like the earth goes through cycles of activity and rest, we’re meant to as well. I say it often, but living seasonally is tuning into the most natural way of living and being. It is connecting with the way you were supposed to live and brings you back to your roots.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget all that.

Seasonal living reminds us to slow down and embrace these natural cycles. Take winter, for example: nature uses this time to rest and recharge, and we should too. It’s a season for reflection, for cosying up, and for giving ourselves permission to take it easy. On the flip side, summer is all about energy and growth. It’s the time to dive into new projects, soak up the sunshine, and connect with others.

When we align our lives with these natural rhythms, we allow ourselves the rest we need, so when it’s time to be active, we’re ready to go with renewed energy.

Why being Mindful works:

One of the beautiful things about living seasonally is that it brings us back to the present moment. In the rush of daily life, it’s easy to miss the simple joys: the taste of fresh strawberries in the summer, the crunch of leaves underfoot in the autumn, and the beauty of the night sky in the winter. Seasonal living encourages us to slow down and really savour these moments. These small, mindful practices help us stay connected to the world around us and grounded in the here and now, which is a powerful antidote to the constant noise and distraction that often lead to burnout.

How can you start reducing overwhelm?

Another way seasonal living combats burnout is by helping us reduce that overwhelming feeling of having too much on our plates. Instead of trying to do everything all the time, seasonal living encourages us to focus on what matters most in each season. It’s about setting intentions and goals that align with the energy of the season. It is taking one step at. atime.

In the spring, you might want to focus on new beginnings and planting seeds, both literally and figuratively. Come autumn, it’s time to harvest what you’ve sown, both in your garden and in your life. By prioritising what’s important for each season, we can simplify our routines and avoid the burnout that comes from trying to do it all, all year long.

We cannot live at the same pace all year round. We cannot live like it’s an eternal summer.

Let’s slow down and journey together through the seasons with simplicity and mindfulness. Subscribe for simple musings directly to your inbox.

And what about self care?

I know we’ve all heard it a zillion times: Self care isn’t selfish. It’s true, it isn’t.

Seasonal living naturally lends itself to self-care. Each season offers unique opportunities to nurture ourselves in ways that feel good and restorative.

In winter, it might be about creating a cosy, nurturing environment.

Spring invites us to get outside, move our bodies, and breathe in the fresh air.

Summer’s longer days encourage us to soak up the sun and enjoy the vibrant energy around us.

While autumn calls for reflection and preparing for the quieter months ahead.

When we adjust our self-care practices to align with the seasons, we ensure that we’re taking care of ourselves in ways that feel natural and sustainable, making it easier to keep burnout at bay.

Living seasonally isn’t just a lifestyle choice; it’s a powerful tool to help us combat burnout and find balance in a world that often feels out of sync. When we embrace the natural rhythms of the seasons, we create space for rest and reflection, allowing ourselves to recharge so we can show up fully when it’s time to take action.

Seasonal living invites us to be more mindful, to savour the present moment, and to prioritise what truly matters in each season of our lives.

It encourages self-care that aligns with the energy of the time, ensuring that we’re nurturing ourselves in ways that feel natural and sustainable.

If you’re feeling the weight of burnout or just looking for a way to slow down and reconnect, I encourage you to start exploring seasonal living. I’ve put together a free downloadable guide to help you get started, with tips and ideas for aligning your life with the seasons. Trust me, it’s the gentle shift you didn’t know you needed. Or maybe you are feeling the pull to dive even deeper and be guided step by step. My signature course, Rooted in Seasons, will help guide you to living in tune with the seasons, teach you how to apply it across all areas of your life as well as helping you embrace living more slowly and simply too.

And I’d love to hear from you! How do you feel about the idea of living seasonally? Have you tried it before, or is it something you’re curious to explore?

Share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions in the comments below, or connect with me on social media. Let’s keep the conversation going — because together, we can find a more balanced, intentional way to live.

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