The Endometriosis Nutritionist Podcast podcast

Episode 114: Is vaping better than smoking when you have Endometriosis?

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Many smokers, and you may have been one of them, switched from smoking to vaping, on the assumption that is less damaging.  

If you vape, or you are around people that vape, you need to listen to this episode, especially if you’re trying to fall pregnant. 


#endometriosis #endometriosissymptoms #endometriosisdiet #nutritionforendometriosis #reduceendometriosissymptoms #endometriosisnutrition #endometriosisnutritionist #infertility #miscarriage #improvefertility #earlypregnancyloss #maleinfertility #vaping 


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