The Beginner Photography Podcast podcast

476: You're Being Lied To... I'm Done

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

In this episode of the Beginner Photography Podcast, I pull back the curtain on the deceptive world of influencer marketing within the photography industry. I'll uncover how financial incentives and unethical practices are designed to mislead you when buying new gear. Learn why developing your skills should always take precedence over accumulating more gear. Reflect on your genuine needs before making purchases, and arm yourself with the knowledge to distinguish honest reviews from biased ones. As you listen, I encourage you to question the marketing messages you encounter, prioritize honing your craft, and aim for transparency in your own creative endeavors. 


  • Skeptical Consumption: Always question product reviews to determine if they’re influenced by sponsorships. Trust your own instincts and needs.
  • Skill Over Gear: Focus on improving your photography skills instead of constantly upgrading your equipment—it's your ability that makes the difference.
  • Transparency Value: Understand the ethical implications of influencer marketing in shaping your buying decisions. Aim for transparency in your own practices.
  • Personal Needs: Evaluate how, why, and if you will use a product before making a purchase—tailor your toolkit to your specific requirements.


  • Evaluate Current Gear: List out all your current equipment and consider which items you use frequently. Identify gaps in your skills that you might improve with your existing gear before buying new items.
  • Research Ethically: Check multiple sources for reviews to compare and contrast their opinions on new products. Look for content creators who transparently disclose their sponsorships and affiliations.
  • Focus on Skill Development: Spend dedicated time each week practicing different photography techniques. Invest in courses or workshops that focus on building your core photography skills.
  • Create a Test Environment: Set up controlled environments to experiment and learn more effectively, using the gear you already own. Document your findings and review how well your current gear meets your actual needs.

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